Our judgment collection attorneys can assist you with garnishment procedures. For those who were ordered to pay in a money judgment, check out our Debt Collection research guide for resources on your rights as a debtor.There are four (4) types of civil cases that can be filed in Justice Court: Evictions, Small Claims, Debt Claims, and Repair and Remedy. You can file a "partial release of homestead lien affidavit" in the County records. This will likely satisfy the title company. Want to get rid of a judgement? Our San Antonio debt settlement attorney tells you how its done. Tom Thomas Legal, PC handles settlement negotiations for Texas residents who owe payment to another party as a result of a judgment. "Judgment proof" means you don't have income or assets a creditor can seize to pay off the money judgment on a debt. In order to garnish your property, the creditor must first file a lawsuit and obtain a judgment against you.