Judgment liens on personal property in Florida are filed with the Florida Department of State. You can file a "partial release of homestead lien affidavit" in the County records.This will likely satisfy the title company. An Abstract of Judgment is a document that creditors file with the real property records to create a lien on certain property that you own. Filing a lien entails establishing a legal claim against an asset, often a property or a vehicle, which is commonly used as collateral for payment of a debt. This paper will not compare the procedure for enforcing foreign judgments before and after the amendments in the 1980s to the Uniform. The act first expands the reach of a Florida judgment lien against a defendant's ownership of certain intangible personal property rights. A series of changes to Florida law that either have taken effect, will take effect, or may potentially take effect (more on that later) regarding real property. A partial release of judgment lien is necessary to release a judgment from your home. Even if your home is "exempt" in Texas.