To do so you must mail a notarized request for a Written Statement Regarding. Judgment Liens and the Texas Homestead.Information from a private real estate attorney's website on how to release a judgment lien against homestead property. You can file a "partial release of homestead lien affidavit" in the County records. This will likely satisfy the title company. To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment (AJ) in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property. Judgment for Defendant - Lien Foreclosure - Bench Trial - Updated March 2023. Judgment for Defendant - Lien Foreclosure - Jury Trial - Updated March 2023. Chapter 26 from this resource contains forms related to post-judgment discovery. Filing a lien entails establishing a legal claim against an asset, often a property or a vehicle, which is commonly used as collateral for payment of a debt.