In the next section describe in your own words where, when, and how the damage or injury occurred. Attach additional pages if necessary.The following guide is a quick outline of the types of motions set on Bexar County's Presiding Court Centralized Docket System. Use this online tool from Lone Star Legal Aid to file an answer in a debt collection lawsuit in Justice court. Under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 167, if an offer of settlement is made in accordance with the rule, then certain litigation costs can be awarded. It shows readers how to write a demand letter, file and serve papers, prepare and present a case, prepare evidence, and mediate an out-of-court settlement. San Antonio, Texas 78205. Telephone (210) 225-4191. Tom Thomas Legal, PC handles settlement negotiations for Texas residents who owe payment to another party as a result of a judgment. Want to get rid of a judgement?