Take the Abstract of Judgment and a copy to the county recorder's office in the county where you think the debtor owns real estate. There is a recording fee.You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid. To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment. Obtain and fill out Abstract of Judgment. (EJ-001) and Notice of Lien (EJ-185) and file with the court where the debtor's lawsuit is pending. Once your property tax bill has been assessed, payment of the lien may only be made with your property tax bill. Our knowledgeable California real estate attorneys can help you determine the best way to remove a judgment lien from your property. In California, if you're the person owed money (the creditor), you can place a judgment lien on the debtor's real estate or personal property. Once you have a judgment entered, you need to fill out the abstract of judgment form.