The clerk is required to enter the judgment in the register of actions. You must ask for a default within 10 days of the defendant missing the deadline to respond.Tells the parties that a judgment has been entered in a case. This HowTo Guide addresses obtaining a default judgment in a civil matter in San Bernardino County Superior Court. Notice of the administrative hearing shall be given to the appellant at least ten calendar days before the hearing. It means there is a judgment entered against you somewhere and they have now recorded it in San Bernardino County. You are notified that the following judgment was entered on (date):. 1. Dissolution. 2. Dissolution—status only. A motion for summary judgment or summary adjudication must be heard at least thirty (30) days before trial, unless the court orders otherwise. With the exception of motions pursuant to CCP 128.7, motions filed in a summary proceeding under CCP 1159 et. seq.