An employee wishing to leave in good standing shall file a two (2) week written resignation with the appointing authority. In this article, we explain how to write a twoweek notice letter and we provide templates, tips and examples to help you get started.Ensure the most current form has been submitted. Deferring jury service is preferred for a temporary or marginal hardship, ie a medical appointment; full-time student or planned vacation. Generally, you are not required to give any particular amount of notice, although a letter of two weeks' notice to your boss is customary. (a) Calendar notes are usually available at least two (2) weeks before the hearing date. Crafting a twoweek notice letter involves several key steps to ensure clarity and professionalism. Detailed Step-By-Step Guide. Recipient must fill out the Catastrophic Leave Donation Program Application, which must be requested from the Office of Human Resources. While California law classifies employees who work 40 hours per week or more as full-time employees, employers may classify workers as full-time as they choose.