Bring the Abstract of Judgment to the small claims court clerk. The clerk will certify it.You take or mail something called an 'Abstract of Judgment' to the county recorder's office. If your judgment is against a business, you can record a lien with the Secretary of State's office. To do this, fill out a JL-1. A simple rule of thumb is to record a lien in the county where the judgment debtor resides or does business. The Superior Court requires that you use the Application For and Renewal of Judgment (form EJ-190) and the Notice of Renewal of Judgment (form EJ-195). Prepare an Abstract of Judgment to place a lien on real estate and enforce debt payment with our step-by-step guides. Abstract of Judgment (form EJ-001) with the county recorder in the county where the property is located. File the original and two photocopies of your Memorandum of Costs After Judgment (MC-012).