File with Justice Court 4 and serve in Tarrant County. For those who were ordered to pay in a money judgment, check out our Debt Collection research guide for resources on your rights as a debtor.Use this online tool from Lone Star Legal Aid to file an answer in a debt collection lawsuit in Justice court. When the debtor possesses real property in Tarrant County, the abstract of judgment must be documented in that jurisdiction. The effect of the Judgment Abstract was to create a judicial lien on all of the Plaintiff's property located in Tarrant County, Texas. 8. You must fill out all the spaces on the forms unless instructed otherwise. The judge and court personnel will not fill them out for you. If the judgment is in favor of the plaintiff, you can file a motion for new trial within 14 days of the judgment. It needs to have the court caption, the case number, and tell you when to respond to avoid a default judgment. Registering a Judgment Mortgage on the Debtor's property; 2.