To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment (AJ) in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property. You can't pay bills with a judgment: How to turn a court victory into a judgment lien, and use it to collect from your customer's property.A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. This research guide includes information and resources on judgment liens, including information on the release of a judgment lien. A judgment lien is a. Before you pursue this remedy, you should determine whether the debtor has non-exempt property. File a claim against someone so that I can take them to small claims court and put a lien on their property and business for money owed to me for free online. An execution issued out of a City Court may be levied against, that is, used to seize, only personal property of the Judgment Debtor (UCCA Section 1504). The purpose for filing the Abstract of Judgment is to put a lien against any REAL PROPERTY in the defendant's name. The payment or satisfaction of the judgment.