Judgment Liens​​ If you own a house or land in Texas, a creditor who sues you for debt and wins can place a "judgment lien" on your real property. To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment (AJ) in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property.A judgment lien lasts for ten years. This article explains the basics of the garnishment process as a method for collecting debt after a judgment has been entered. As a Texas resident, you have certain protections from wage garnishment and liens. This article explains what to do when your bank account is frozen because of a debt collection judgment. If you lack this information you would file for post judgment hearing here seeking to call the debtor to the stand and seek such information about assets. The lender is the institution that made the loan. A bank levy, or garnishment of your bank account, typically comes as an unpleasant surprise.