A judgment lien lasts for ten years. You can't pay bills with a judgment: How to turn a court victory into a judgment lien, and use it to collect from your customer's property.First, you have to weigh the amount of your judgment against the costs you will incur to place a judgment lien on the property. Step 1: The first step is to file an Application for Entry of Judgment on Sister State Judgment (Form EJ-105) (see below for link to form). Step 1: The first step is to file an Application for Entry of Judgment on Sister State Judgment (Form EJ-105) (see below for link to form). Usually, however, you register your judgment with the land records office in the county where the real estate is located. Contact an judgment collections attorney in the state in which your debtor resides or owns property. After recording, you have a judgment lien on any real estate held in the judgment debtor's name in that county.