Notice of a default judgment, as required by. Eviction Cases must be filed in the Justice Court in the Justice of the Peace Precinct in the county in which the real property is located.If the court has already entered a default judgment against you, you can file a motion to set aside the default judgment in Texas with the court. Eviction Cases must be filed in the Justice Court in the Justice of the Peace Precinct in the county in which the real property is located. They do not constitute legal advice, and the court is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the packet. Making sure you file the correct documents and all forms are filled out correctly. The notice must advise the defendant that it must file a written answer in the county court within 8 days if one was not filed in the justice court. Immediately, without giving notice to the tenant and without a hearing. Usually, creditors will help you catch up. Without the NOTICE TO CURE, your case will be dismissed.