If you have a judgment lien in Travis County, Texas, you can abstract it at the County Clerk's office located at 1000 Guadalupe St, Austin, Texas 78701. To order copies of any records, please fill out and submit the Records Request form.If you prefer, you may make an in-person appointment to pick up documents. An overview from the Travis County Law Library on some of the ways in which someone can attempt to collect the money awarded to them in their judgment. Notice to Garnishee and to Judgment Debtor. Form: PDF icon notice_to_garnishee.pdf. The service of a writ of execution upon a garnishee is effective as of the date of service. WHEREAS, in an action in the. If the defendant in a small claims case was ordered to pay in a money judgment, they are now referred to as the "judgment debtor. In order to garnish your property, the creditor must first file a lawsuit and obtain a judgment against you.