Being "judgment proof" means you don't have income, cash reserves, or other assets a creditor can take to pay off a money judgment. A "judgment-proof" debtor is someone who does not have sufficient money or property to repay the debt.This article explains receivership and how it is used to collect debts after a judgment has been entered. On April 26, 2022, the Government filed a Complaint seeking judgment against Defendant for unpaid federal income tax liabilities for the tax years 2007 - 2012. Reversed and remanded a turnover order on the basis of. On April 26, 2022, the Government filed a Complaint seeking judgment against Defendant for unpaid federal income tax liabilities for the tax years 2007 - 2012. Most people who are evicted for nonpayment of rent use this form. Fill out the Statement of Inability if you cannot qualify for a Tenant's Surety. To Travis's motion for summary judgment on damages. There is one judicial lien docketed against the property. 10.