Well first off don't do a letter that's being a chicken. Learn how to write a 2week notice for Walmart respectfully and professionally to leave a positive impression and transition effectively.🗓️ Giving a "two weeks notice" is customary, but not a legal requirement. If you want to quit, you can quit! In this article, we explain how to write a twoweek notice letter and we provide templates, tips and examples to help you get started. What information do I need when I request leave? • Information you will need: • Walmart Identification Number (WIN). For one of my final projects with Walmart, it doesn't get much better than working with Busta Rhymes! And they were used to launching products with about two weeks' notice to the sales team. The EEOC's statistical evidence, even on its own, creates a reasonable inference that Wal-Mart engaged in a pattern and practice of hiring discrimination. 1.