Visit the Landlord and Tenant Forms page. This listing of forms includes an online link to a self-help tool at the Virginia Legal Aid website.How to fill out the form: Fill in the name and physical address of the true owner of the property under "Defendant-Landlord. The landlord shall provide the tenant with a written receipt, upon request from the tenant, whenever the tenant pays rent in the form of cash or money order. This form allows tenants to assert that their landlord has failed to comply with the rental agreement or applicable laws. How do I fill this out? Filling out this document requires specific details about the judgment, the parties involved, and the property in question. This form contains a provision for the clerk to note that a Notice of Satisfaction for this judgment has been received and is attached. This form contains a provision for the clerk to note that a Notice of Satisfaction for this judgment has been received and is attached. And file a lawsuit called a "Tenant's Petition for Relief from Unlawful Exclusion (Form DC-431).