Code §§ 43-1 to 43-71. Subcontractors and Suppliers for improvements to real estate have up to 123 days.A judgment will show up on credit reports and will be a matter of public record. This will be a problem for any judgment debtor attempting to borrow money. The creditor must record the judgment lien in the public records office of the city or county where the property is located. Virginia debt relief attorney explains what happens after a judgment is entered against you. Call (703) 865-6100 to schedule a consultation. While judgments don't appear on your credit report or affect your credit score, they can still impact your ability to qualify for credit. Pursuant to Va. Code § 8.01-453, the undersigned directs that the clerk of the court referenced in item number 3 shall enter the. A judgement lien in Virginia is a claim on real estate.