Check box if judgment entered on this petition for defendant. 21. Such notice shall include the docket number, the names of the parties, and the date of the judgment.The clerk shall promptly file the order with the papers in the case. Judgments will usually be updated on the website as pending, final, or vacated within 3-10 business days following the court date. Default judgment may be entered under Fed. Form civil judgment orders are available in the Circuit Court courtrooms and on the link provided at the bottom of this page. The plaintiff will be asked to fill out a civil warrant or a civil summons form which contains space for the details of your claim. A new notice of appeal challenging the entry of any subsequent final judgment must be timely filed. If the judgment creditor does not file a Notice of Satisfaction, you can ask the court to issue an order. In Virginia, a judgment from a circuit court is automatically recorded in the public land records where the circuit court is located.