A Notice of Mechanic's Lien may be filed against a property for non payment of funds, for work performed or materials furnished. There is no charge for filing or requesting a Property Execution.A judgment lien arises when a court rules you owe a debt, allowing the creditor to claim your nonexempt property until the debt is paid. We present the following general formula for catalyzing the conversion of your client's paper judgment into something of tangible value (debt collection). Judgment liens are nonconsensual because they are attached to property without the owner's consent or agreement. If the exemptions apply to you and your personal property, there is nothing the judgment creditor can legally take from you. Bankruptcy can be used to remove a judgment lien from real estate. This post describes the basic requirements. Sasser Law Firm assists individuals with completing and filing the Motion to Claim Exempt Property so that your property rights can be protected. Sasser Law Firm assists individuals with completing and filing the Motion to Claim Exempt Property so that your property rights can be protected.