File online with a credit card. OR Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer.To obtain the mail in Certificate once on the website, go to Obtain Filing Forms, then Download Forms, then find Judgment Lien Certificate (JLC). A judgment lien against real property cannot be filed through the Florida Department of State. Take your certified judgment down the county recorder's office and record it. File a certified copy of your judgment in the real estate records of the county in which the property is located. Find more information about outstanding liens (mechanics liens) and judgments. Contact the Clerk of Court's office in the courthouse at 919-792-4200. In Florida, a judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. Lienon real estate when a certified copy is recorded in the officialrecords or judgment lien record of the county where the property is located.