Go to Notice of Entry to download the form. Ask the Small Claims Court Clerk for a transcript of judgment and then file it with the County Clerk in the county where the judgment debtor owns property.To dispute a ticket, you must request a hearing within 30 days after the ticket was issued to avoid paying late penalties. You can pay a parking ticket or camera violation using a credit or debit card on the DOF website with a foreign address. A small claims case is filed in the clerk of superior court's office in the appropriate county. The forms may be printed and completed in advance. Pleas entered within that period shall be in a manner prescribed in the notice. Only the top portion of the first page should be filled out, including the names and addresses of all parties. There is one avenue you can explore when your NYC parking ticket is in judgment before holding up your piggy bank to pay your fines and penalties. Judgment A judgment is the official decision of a court in a case.