The kit includes forms and instructions to process a garnishment against an employer or a bank after a money judgment has been awarded. Court Forms: Garnishment.A judgment lien is a lien that arises because of a past court case that found the debtor liable for breaching express or implied contract terms. After winning a judgment, the creditor can file a write of garnishment and garnish wages, bank accounts or put a lien on your property. Fill in the name of the person or entity asserting a claim and the name and address of the person who should receive notices issued during the bankruptcy case. If you have questions about Superior Court Proceedings, please call the County Clerk's office at (425) 388-3466. The Court does not collect a judgment for you. Post with District Court a bond in a sum equal to twice the amount of the judgment and costs, or twice the amount in controversy, whichever is greater. How Do Bank Levies Work?