Go to the Court that entered the judgment to pay the Filing Fee to get a Transcript of Judgment. Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case.If you file for bankruptcy, you can get rid of judgment liens on your property through a process called lien avoidance. To submit your application please fill out this form and save it to your computer or smartphone. Then add it as an attachment on the webmail submission screen. A judgment lien arises when a court rules you owe a debt, allowing the creditor to claim your nonexempt property until the debt is paid. How do I get it removed in Wayne Michigan? Shouldn't their be a statute of limitation on this type of lien. The personal property first provision is not found in the other state statutes that provide for true judgment liens. Complete the front of the form and the "Affidavit for Judgment Debtor Examination" section on the bottom of the form.