If the Debtor has land: A judgment filed in a County Clerk's Office becomes a lien on the Debtor's land or land he or she buys in the county. Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case.This set of forms is for use in garnishment to collect a money judgment. The forms must be filed in the circuit court if the judgment is from the circuit court. (1). Fill out the attached claim form and demand for a prompt hearing. (2). A. I make oath that I have obtained the above judgment and believe the named garnishee is or will be indebted to the named defendant. For tips on how to find forms on this list, click here. These forms are not a substitute for legal advice. If you have difficulty completing these forms, then you may wish to consult with an attorney. Notice to the Judgment Debtor of Garnishment of Property Other Than Personal Earnings. Criminal.