This page provides access to the forms currently available to the public and attorneys through the Administrative Office of the Courts. The landlord must provide a completed judgment form and stamped envelope for each tenant in the case, with the court address as the return address.The judgment tells the tenant how much money he or she has to pay or when he or she must move out. This set of forms is for use in landlord-tenant and land contract matters. The forms must be filed in the district court. You have 10 days to file the request and you may need to pay one month's rent into court in order to have the court review your request. The complaint must be completely filled out and filed in the District Court of the county where the property is located. This set of forms is for use in landlord-tenant and land contract matters. The forms must be filed in the district court. All forms are ADA accessible, and you can handwrite or type into the PDF form to fill it out.