Here are the steps for filling out a rent receipt: Fill out the Payment Date to record the date payment was received. Learn why landlords use a rent receipt, what to include, and download a free rent receipt template in both Excel and PDF formats.Next, indicate the amount paid and the method of payment, such as cash, check, or money order. Acknowledgment must include: date, legible notary seal, notary signature and commission expiration date. Provide your tenants with a Rent Receipt and keep track of rent payments. Payments other than rent are due when Landlord demands them from Tenant. 102. Landlord's failure or delay in demanding payments is not a waiver. ) Because analysis of the payment data alone indicates much higher receipts of eviction payments, there were too many cases dropped in the initial data. For example: Was it at a rental unit? Therefore chooses to contract out service delivery in suburban Hennepin County.