Providers using the Sandata EVV System. Answer all questions.GreenLoop provides Backup And Data Recovery Services for businesses in Phoenix, Bend, and even all across Arizona and Oregon. The Attorney General offers the forms, at no cost to you, as follows: Click on the buttons below to download a complete packet or individual forms. All requests for abatement of penalties must include the name, address, email address and telephone number of the taxpayer for which the request is being made. Step 1: Fill out all forms that apply to you and express your wishes for your end of life care. Thanks for your help. I was able to successfully restore many critical files from a corrupted hard disk. We make sure to inform everyone who might have a claim to the property. Select the health plan you want in Health-e-Arizona Plus when completing your online application; Call (855) HEA-PLUS (855-432-7587) with your choice.