Overpayments. To receive important letters about overpayment recovery waivers, please ensure your mailing address is updated in your IDES account. For a property damage claim you should submit two written itemized estimates attached on company letterhead or an itemized paid invoice with proof of payment.The client will have 30 days from the date of the Overpayment letter to submit the request and supporting documents. The Payment Recovery Program allows BCBSIL to recoup overpayments made to BCBSIL contracting facilities and providers when payment errors have occurred. If you receive an overpayment, you are obligated to refund the money to Medicare. Complete the contact form page and attach a file for ONE of the following proofs of payment for each payment. CPT is a trademark of the AMA. The recovery of the overpayment would be against "equity and good conscience. For more information, please visit our About section at the top of the page. Claiming a Property.