The salary overpayment resulted because . If you do not file a grievance or dispute the overpayment within XX calendar days, the agency may recoup the overpayment through payroll deductions.We have identified the following overpayment and are in good faith voluntarily refunding all monies collected in error. If the full amount is recouped through offset, an adjustment claim shall be reported with the current claim or in the next payment run. When a retirement plan tries to reclaim overpaid benefits from a retiree, this process is known as recoupment. Establishes the standards for additions to and applications from the XSF. Describes the steps in the processing of credits added to or applied from the XSF. If no other liens exist, or if there are additional funds after the junior liens have been paid, the rest of the funds may be available to the former homeowner. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires agencies to use EVM for major acquisitions with development effort. Letter. Preface. FMLA leave may be unpaid or used at the same time as employer provided paid leave.