Drops after the term census date are considered withdrawals and appear as a "W" on the transcript. Edu or taken to a Student Financials campus location.Main information page for students concerning FERPA, tuition, 1098-T, make a payment, payment plans, payment deadlines and refunds. Should you choose to withdraw your TRS account, please download the form you must complete a TRS-6, Application for Refund, and return it to TRS. I understand course swapping (adding and dropping courses with the same number of hours with no change in charges) is not offered after a term begins. Download and print the withdrawal form and submit it to a student success specialist on any campus. Withdrawal forms may not be faxed. Contact. These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable filling out IRS tax forms. Can my student enroll in dual credit classes in the Summer? If so, how do I do so?