Below is a sample, fillintheblank letter that you can use as a guide for disputing a debt with a collector. List your name, account information, the original creditor of the debt, and the debt collection agencies identifying information.I am writing to inform you that I disagree with all debts you are collecting on or are placed with your company, in my name. Fill in your contact details, the account number and any extra information you want to include in the grey shaded areas. How can one make a debtor's letter (requesting outstanding debt from a client) seem like a letter from a lawyer? Need to delay debt payments? Use this Sample Letter To Creditor Unable To Pay Loan and get the time you need to sort your finances. If you are having trouble retrieving debt from a customer, we recommend filling out our form and downloading our pre-debt collection letter. , a debt collector, to assist in collecting Tavernaro's debt. Since then, it has erased debt for 52,745 residents.