A graduate student must file a student-initiated term withdrawal request, in addition to instructor-signed course drop forms for all enrolled classes. Students requesting an administrative withdrawal or refund of tuition and fees must submit a Student Appeal Form to the Office of the Registrar.A detox treatment program provides medical care, emotional support, and a safe environment where you can focus fully on your recovery. As everyone knows, college can be stressful. To withdraw funds that have been deposited with a court registry, you'll need to submit a request to the clerk of the court. Amongst the top rated Rehabs in Houston Kemah Palms Recovery, offers the best care and support services Need help Call us today! Submit Requested Documents. The department is responsible for maintaining the filed records for each County Civil Court case. In 2003, the Houston VA was renamed the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center. Withdrawing other (non-minor) funds from the registry requires a signed court order.