If you don't find the missing file in these locations, open Word, and select File > Info > Manage Document > Recover Unsaved Documents. "Recover" - discussed most often in the books of Kings-2 (9), Isaiah (3) and Chronicles-2 (2).Select "Manage Document. " Hit "Recover Unsaved Documents" from the drop-down menu. A letter to his most Excellent Majesty, George the third, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, and Emperor of North America. EaseUS Fixo Document Repair enables you to restore the corrupted Word document opening with wired symbols in the easiest way. If it exists in Word on a Mac, go to File>Info>Manage Document>Recover Unsaved Documents and see if your file is there. Here you will find forms that are used statewide in Washington Courts. Please don't hesitate to reply if still have some followup concerns. In this video, you'll learn more about recovering unsaved documents in Microsoft Word.