Complete the entire information sheet and return it to the judgment creditor (plaintiff) along with the documents listed on the form. Fill out the case caption information, including your case number and the names and addresses of both parties.We offer several ways for you to obtain Maryland tax forms, booklets and instructions: The letter begins with the creditor's contact information, including their name, address, phone number, and email address. Now you can claim your property online! Question: Does the Form 5 need to be notarized? The main purpose of a personal injury demand letter is to inform the insurance company of the amount of compensation you are seeking. Judgment Recovery Center of Maryland in Baltimore is a licensed collection agency that specializes in the recovery of court how money judgments in. All 24 local school systems, The SEED School of Maryland, and Maryland School for the Deaf were required to submit reopening plans to MSDE. To file an appeal, send a letter explaining why the amount or existence of the debt is incorrect with applicable supporting documentation.