Forms to use for collection actions against consumers involving debts arising out of revolving credit agreements (effective January 1, 2019). Massachusetts law prohibits unfair, deceptive, and unreasonable debt-collection practices.The Attorney General has issued debt collection regulations. A debt collection letter should include elements such as the debt owed, the initial due date and, if necessary, warnings of impending legal action. What is a Demand Letter? This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. We help our clients in Boston and throughout Massachusetts recover the money they are owed, and we can help you navigate this sensitive and complex situation. If you are collectionproof, write a letter to the debt collector using the collectionproof letter template. A cease and desist letter is a formal written request that you send a debt collector telling them to stop contacting you about a debt. It's important to keep the amount below the small claims maximum in your state.