The employee has the opportunity to dispute the recovery and the amount to be recovered. If you were overpaid, you will receive a written notice in the mail.This policy sets forth the procedures for wage deductions to recover overpayments made due to mathematical or other clerical error. Please call 1-800-772-1772 or your local field office and we may be able to process your waiver request quickly over the phone. Decedent Left a Will When a New York domiciliary dies (decedent) having a Last Will and Testament (testate), P. In some cases, retirement plans threaten to sue retirees. Peer support workers are people who have been successful in the recovery process who help others experiencing similar situations. Insurance Law § 5105 (a): Right to recover PIP if one car involved is over 6,500 pound unloaded or a vehicle principally used for transportation for hire.