After the patient, parent, legal guardian, or managing conservator has read the letter or has had it read or translated to them, ask the patient, parent, legal. Complete the City Certificate of Occupancy requirements at the Development and Business Services Center at 1901 S. Alamo.Clerks are available to assist you. I'm thinking of you this very minute. Hope you can feel it—and feel better soon. Requirements: Texas resident, Texas ID, social security card, committed to 12 month stay, and drug free in recovery. Unexcused absences can lead to a variety of other issues including a referral to Truancy Court. One way to help patients adhere to treatment is to build a Dialogue for Recovery about medication-related side effects. Fill out your Juror Information Form and Supplemental Questionnaire online. For an injury or illness to be work related, it has to originate while you are engaged in the work your job requires you to do for the university.