Submit Signed Order to the County Clerk Bookkeeping Department. A demand letter is a formal notice that demands the other individual or company (the "debtor") to rectify the situation or face legal action.In this article, readers will find a comprehensive example collection letter sample designed to maximize response rates and ensure clarity. Enjoy our new and improved forms page! It shows readers how to write a demand letter, file and serve papers, prepare and present a case, prepare evidence, and mediate an out-of-court settlement. Need a reliable collection agency in San Antonio? Learn about Southwest Recovery Services and their professional debt collection solutions here. Services to help pay for and retrieve birth certificates, social security numbers, and other forms of identification. 3, located in the Bexar County Spanish Archives, 100 Dolorosa, Suite 1.20, San Antonio, TX 78205. Please mail Money Order or Cashier's Check payable to Financial Recovery Division to 500 E. San Antonio Rm. 106, El Paso, Texas 79901.