If all criteria are met, a "fit to fly" or travel clearance letter can be provided at the time of your visit in accordance with CDC guidelines. For anyone who has recently recovered from a COVID-19 infection and requires a letter to document their recovery for travel.Additional information below. The goal of the TTIRP is to reimburse hospitality and travel-related businesses for losses they incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Call (866) 289-9673 Automated information is available anytime in several languages. Requests for medical records, billing records and radiology images for all of our locations are processed at: 901 San Bernardino Road Suite 105 Upland CA, 91786 Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), some office in-person pick up is suspended until further notice. An original release of lien letter is required if a lien is still on record. Mail the application to: Mailing Address. VA also has a number of services designed specifically to support you in your role as a Family Caregiver.