Use LaterDocs to submit your CalFresh, Medi-Cal, or CalWORKs documents securely to San Diego County. A comprehensive, easy-to-read post incident recovery tool that walks disaster survivors step-by-step through the recovery process.General Relief provides temporary cash assistance for eligible county residents who have no other means of support. Document Recovery automatically opens the next time you open the Office app to help you get your file back. Call 619-446-5000 Walk-In Public counters are open from 7 am to 4 pm Monday through Thursday and 10 am to 4 pm on Friday. Use this form to verify the other party's address (only available in the circumstances described in the form), and authorize mail service. Document Recovery automatically opens the next time you open the Office app to help you get your file back. Comprehensive School Safety Plan Resources. Attachments must be submitted in either PDF or Word Document format. Reference Recruitment Number U2419 in the Subject Line.