This program will help you fill out and print court papers to ask the court to Enforce Parent Visitation. You can take the paper to court and get a hearing.Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma has free legal information on Oklahoma law, self-help court forms, court information and other helpful resources. Commonly used forms in Family Law proceedings including petitions for different types of restraining orders, child custody and support cases, and parentage Here's how you start a custody case in Oklahoma. Detailed info on case types, the forms you'll need, where to file, and how to serve. Family Court Official Court, Judicial, County, Agency and Legal Forms. CSS has developed several packets that pro se customers can use to get their cases before the courts. Summons (Uniform Parentage-Petition for Custody and Support) (incl. Spanish). FL-220, Response to Petition to Establish Parental Relationship (Uniform Parentage).