Filers in Dallas County can now e-file an Uncontested Divorce Without Children and Adult Name Changes through Guide and File! The Texas Attorney General's office provides some legal forms related to child support on their website including complaint forms and income withholding forms.File this form when you and the other party cannot agree to a temporary arrangement for parenting, child support, or other issues before the final hearing date. Note: You must complete and attach the. Exhibit: Out-of-State Party Declaration if you or a Respondent does not live in Texas. The links below will explain the process and provide forms for filing your SAPCR. Forms for use in the District Courts. I understand I must fill out and attach a Declaration in Support of Changing. Primary Custody within One Year form to this Petition. To begin the custody process, you need to file a "Suit Affecting the ParentChild Relationship" (SAPCR) with the court.