The Virginia Judicial System has a number of forms for each court available on the court's form page. Parents, relatives and other interested parties can file petitions asking a judge to determine who will have Custody of a child and determine Visitation.This page includes information about child custody, child visitation and child support issues in Virginia. A parent or other involved parties can file a petition of temporary child custody if a child's health or safety is in questioning under their current situation. Our Fairfax emergency custody lawyer will help you file a motion with the court to secure your child's safety and handle the legal process. For child custody, visitation or support, they file a custody, visitation or support petition. After filing, the court clerk issues a summons. In Virginia, the law allows either parent to file a petition for modification if they believe a change is necessary. It is also crucial for a parent to understand the implications that come with an agreement or court order granting visitation to a third party. I need some more detail on the process.