HERE ARE THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO FILL OUT THE FORMS: STEP 1- Complete the Petition for Change of Custody and Child Support. You can file a petition for child custody in your county's Superior Court.If you are divorcing, the petition will be included in your divorce papers. ❑STEP 1 : Fill out the Petition for Modification of Child Support. You will need to complete and file the Child Custody Modification form with the Superior Court of Fulton County. Petition for (Custody) (Visitation). If you are a Georgia resident, you must file the petition for temporary guardianship in the county of your domicile-the minor must be residing with you. Apply online or print, fill out, and mail in one of the application packets below. Follow the instructions on filling out the application completely. However, in the case of a child born out of wedlock, the Father shall be considered a "parent" only if he has legitimated the Minor.