Instructions and information to assist you in filing a petition for grandparent(s) visitation. Learn how to file for paternity, child custody or parenting time, what forms you'll need, and where to file.An "Answer" is your answer to the complaint that the plaintiff filed. This article has information about how the law addresses child custody and parenting time (visitation). This interview helps you fill out up to 8 forms you need to ask the court for a 209A restraining order. You should respond with an answer and counterclaim for child custody. Responding allows you to clarify anything and tell the court what you want. In most types of cases, the failure to file an answer leads to a "default judgment," in which the party who filed wins because the other side did not respond. How do I respond to a petition for grandparents visitation that I disagree with in the state of Massachusetts ? The average form is 2 pages long, with 23 fields per page.