For this petition, state every ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States. Contact an award-winning Writ of Habeas Corpus lawyer today.IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN: TO: , the agency or person having custody of. Name. The court explained that a party filing a federal habeas corpus petition must exhaust their state court remedies prior to filing the petition. Application for the Original Writ. An application for a writ of habeas corpus must be made to the appropriate district court. You may be eligible to file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in federal court after exhausting your Michigan state court appeals. (I) Service of Writ. 3. If you are incarcerated in a federal prison, you cannot file for state habeas corpus. You must file a petition for federal habeas corpus.