To start a case under 28 U.S.C. § 2241, the petitioner must submit the following to the Clerk's Office: 1. Case reports, free online sources, complaints and other pleadings, court records, divorce decree information on changing the law, judges' reversal rates.A defendant has a right to appeal a final conviction in a misdemeanor, grossmisdemeanor, or felony case to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Federal habeas corpus is a procedure under which a federal court may review the legality of an individual's incarceration. Third-Party Practice. A writ of habeas corpus requires that a person who is in custody be brought before a judge or court and that they be able to challenge that custody. Petitioner is now seeking federal habeas corpus review of the contempt order that is causing him to be detained. Available in the courts of the State."). 12. See Bridget Kennedy, Federal Habeas Corpus, in A JAILHOUSE LAW-. This course will study the evolution of habeas corpus and how the habeas remedy is utilized in the federal court system today.