These forms and instructions are available in the General Clerk's Office, Room 108, in the Nassau County. Petition for (Custody) (Visitation).Grandparents may petition the courts for visitation rights even if the parent objects, just as long as the parents' rights are not violated. Generally, you should not take the opportunity to bring up negative qualities of the parents. Filing a Petition for Custody. To initiate the legal process, the grandparents must file a petition for custody with the family court. A family offense petition, otherwise known as an order of protection case – is a type of legal case that can be filed in New York on the behalf of a child. The main form you'll need is the "Petition for Grandparent Visitation," which you must fill out completely. Org - (select) – Self Help, Family Law Forms for the forms. 2. The grandparents can't file this type of action in any year that another custody action has been filed for the child. 2.