If you are filing this petition in the superior court, you only need to file the original unless local rules require additional copies. A writ of habeas corpus is a court order to a warden or jailer to bring a prisoner to court.(A) On filing, the clerk of the court must immediately deliver the petition to the presiding judge or his or her designee. How Do I Fill Out the Form? There is an official form (Judicial Council Form HC-001) for filing a state petition for writ of habeas corpus. The "Great Writ" of habeas corpus is a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. A Writ of Habeas Corpus is used to appeal a court decision or to challenge conditions of probation or parole. Writ of Habeas Corpus form. In addition to the declaration, an authorized officer of the institution must complete the. The writ of habeas corpus is often called the 'great writ' because of its importance in safeguarding individual freedom.